Saturday, April 19, 2008


While it might be a Saturday to most of y'all, it certainly is NOT to me...

Today, i gotta wake up early like any other weekdays, to go to college to "work" our ass out. Well, it's actually like this...

We, people who are currently taking Physics I and II, are required to attend a somethin somethin called "Problem Based Learning" session. It's actually a class activity that is suppose to emulate the corporate world, whereby you need to "work" from 8am to 5pm (normal hours are 9-5, damn!).

And what's worse? Of all the days he can pick, my lecturer actually chose the weekend b4 finals to do this thing. Come on la, please be a lil considerate and let us have more sleep time and hence, more time to study. Seriously, if this PBL thing doesn't carry any weightage on our grades (which it does - 15%!!), i would just bloody screw it...Fortunately, it's kinda guaranteed that we'd get full marks for it, so Gary Shia, don't complain so much as u're on the verge of losing your A.

Nuff said abt that. Last nite, went for dinner with mua high school mates, did a lot of catching up, many many old memories recalled, and the best part....we're still as close as ever. YEAH MAN S3 FOREVER! Though, it's kinda sad that not many turned up...but nvm la can always have another gathering again...Haha...

Went to Marco's Pizza for dinner...

At Wei's house...looks like daytime? It's already 10+pm.

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